
Amoeba Sisters Nature Of Science

The Amoeba Sisters
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In this series, two amoebas, who are sisters, are on a mission to demystify science with sense of humour and applied awarding. They want all students to acquire biological science with ease and understanding.

A cartoon says, by nature, I am naturally natural. Caption: Nature of science.

The Amoeba Sisters


9 minutes 51 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

An illustration illustrates the difference between scientific theory and scientific law. Caption: Scientific theory, can explain why. Scientific law, can describe what.

The Amoeba Sisters


5 minutes

Grade Level: vii - 12

An amoeba sister presents the lab attire wheel of wisdom. The wheel of wisdom has five sections, which contain the following articles. A shoe, a face with a long ponytail, a safety glass, a pair of gloves, a bag with straps.

The Amoeba Sisters


vi minutes 12 seconds

Form Level: vii - 12

The Amoeba sisters present the heading, characteristics of life, with a D N A strand extending from left to right, below it.

The Amoeba Sisters


seven minutes 56 seconds

Class Level: 7 - 12

The Amoeba sisters present the heading, prokaryotic versus eukaryotic cells, with a D N A strand extending from left to right, below it.

The Amoeba Sisters


six minutes 50 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

The Amoeba sisters present the heading, specialized cells.

The Amoeba Sisters


v minutes 27 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

The Amoeba sisters present the heading, specialized cells.

The Amoeba Sisters


9 minutes ten seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

An aquarium with fishes swimming in it. An amoeba sister holds a note, blue equals good, happy fish. Caption: Diffusion.

The Amoeba Sisters


7 minutes 39 seconds

Grade Level: vii - 12

The Amoeba sisters present the heading, osmosis and water potential, with a D N A strand extending from left to right, below it.

The Amoeba Sisters


xi minutes 23 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

The Amoeba sisters present a smiley character with a guitar. Caption: A T P.

The Amoeba Sisters


five minutes 51 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

The Amoeba sisters present the heading, fermentation, with a D N A strand extending from left to right, below it.

The Amoeba Sisters


8 minutes 33 seconds

Grade Level: vii - 12

The Amoeba sisters present the heading, the cell cycle, with a D N A strand extending from left to right, below it.

The Amoeba Sisters


9 minutes 19 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

The molecular structure of D N A and R N A are depicted. Or The D N A double helix structure has two phosphate deoxyribose chains with the nucleotide bases are single bonded to it. The R N A single helix structure has a single phosphate deoxyribose chain with nucleotide bases attached to it.

The Amoeba Sisters


half dozen minutes thirty seconds

Form Level: seven - 12

The rotational movements of the coarse focus and fine focus adjustments causes the corresponding vertical movement of the microscope stage.

The Amoeba Sisters


9 minutes 21 seconds

Form Level: vii - 12

The Amoeba sisters present the heading, introduction to cells.

The Amoeba Sisters


9 minutes 37 seconds

Grade Level: seven - 12

A thought bubble for an amoeba sister reads, superpowers. Caption: Mutation.

The Amoeba Sisters


seven minutes 13 seconds

Grade Level: seven - 12

The Amoeba sisters present the heading, natural selection.

The Amoeba Sisters


7 minutes 48 seconds

Form Level: seven - 12

Two cartoon characters with a DNA strand. Speciation.

The Amoeba Sisters


vii minutes 59 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Two cartoon characters. Classification.

The Amoeba Sisters


viii minutes 46 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Split image showing cartoon characters with shields; breaking an object with a hammer; next to an apple core; in a container of yogurt; and fixing nitrogen atoms to the roots of a plant.

The Amoeba Sisters


seven minutes thirty seconds

Form Level: seven - 12


The Amoeba Sisters


v minutes 9 seconds

Grade Level: seven - 12

Two cartoon characters with a DNA strand. Viruses.

The Amoeba Sisters


vi minutes 48 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Antivirals. A tablet of medication, an IV bag, and a vial with syringe.

The Amoeba Sisters


nine minutes 28 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Protists. Prokaryotes has an empty box. Eukaryotes has a box with an ovoid character containing a nucleus and with a tail.

The Amoeba Sisters


8 minutes 49 seconds

Course Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Autotrophs and Heterotrophs

The Amoeba Sisters


six minutes 48 seconds

Course Level: seven - 12

Food Webs, Energy Pyramids, and Intro to Biodiversity.

The Amoeba Sisters


6 minutes xx seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Two cartoon characters with a DNA strand. Ecological Relationships.

The Amoeba Sisters


8 minutes

Grade Level: vii - 12

Two cartoon characters. Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles.

The Amoeba Sisters


8 minutes 10 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Two cartoon characters. Ecological succession.

The Amoeba Sisters


6 minutes 31 seconds

Course Level: 7 - 12

Two cartoon characters. Biomagnification.

The Amoeba Sisters


seven minutes vii seconds

Course Level: 7 - 12

Two cartoon characters. Human Body Systems.

The Amoeba Sisters


9 minutes 34 seconds

Course Level: vii - 12

Two cartoon characters with a DNA strand. Homeostasis & Feedback.

The Amoeba Sisters


7 minutes 26 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Immune System

The Amoeba Sisters


ix minutes 43 seconds

Form Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Biological Levels in Biology--The World Tour

The Amoeba Sisters


6 minutes 10 seconds

Grade Level: seven - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Biomolecules

The Amoeba Sisters


ix minutes 40 seconds

Class Level: vii - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Enzymes

The Amoeba Sisters


6 minutes 7 seconds

Grade Level: vii - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Endosymbiotic Theory

The Amoeba Sisters


5 minutes 46 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: How Cells Become Specialized

The Amoeba Sisters


vii minutes 46 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Inside the Cell Membrane

The Amoeba Sisters


11 minutes 48 seconds

Course Level: vii - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Cell Transport

The Amoeba Sisters


9 minutes 13 seconds

Grade Level: vii - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Sodium-Potassium Pump

The Amoeba Sisters


8 minutes 5 seconds

Course Level: vii - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Intro To Cell Signaling

The Amoeba Sisters


ix minutes 34 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Cellular Respiration and the Mighty Mitochondria

The Amoeba Sisters


10 minutes 21 seconds

Class Level: seven - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Photosynthesis and the Teeny Tiny Pigment Pancakes

The Amoeba Sisters


Grade Level: seven - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: DNA, Chromosomes, Genes, Traits--An Intro To Heredity

The Amoeba Sisters


eight minutes 47 seconds

Course Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: DNA Replication

The Amoeba Sisters


11 minutes 18 seconds

Class Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Gel Electrophoresis

The Amoeba Sisters


nine minutes 32 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Mitosis--The Amazing Cell Process That Uses Division to Multiply!

The Amoeba Sisters


9 minutes 49 seconds

Course Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Meiosis

The Amoeba Sisters


9 minutes 54 seconds

Course Level: 7 - 12

Still image from: The Amoeba Sisters: Chromosome Numbers During Division

The Amoeba Sisters


6 minutes 25 seconds

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Amoeba Sisters Nature Of Science,


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